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The Rest of Paradise: All Soul’s Day

As Hebrews 11 reminds us we are a Faith with great heroes. Some men and women are given the grace to do great feats for God and this weekend the Church honored them. Today is a lesser known celebration: the Feast of All Souls, a day to remember all the faithful departed. Put mythically: If yesterday . . . . Continue Reading »

Subsidizing Your Neighbor’s New Car

This should not be a surprise to anyone :, the premier resource for online automotive information, has determined that Cash for Clunkers cost taxpayers $24,000 per vehicle sold. Nearly 690,000 vehicles were sold during the Cash for Clunkers program, officially known as CARS, but . . . . Continue Reading »

Great way to start my week

How Tim Challies stays employed is utterly beyond my understanding because he writes more stuff pretty much for free than ought to be legal, let alone moral.And I’ll be honest: I like Tim personally but I find a lot of his blogging a little dry. But I saw him undertaking a project over at the . . . . Continue Reading »

Planned Parenthood Leader Changes Sides

There have been interesting polling, occasionally reported here, about how the country seems to be moving in a pro life direction, with the Gallup Poll now showing a majority opposing abortion.  One reason seems to be that improved imaging techniques have verified the humanity of gestating . . . . Continue Reading »

Prospects for Secularists

Over at Secular Right , David Hume has words for our PAL: Though the author of Atheist Delusions is an Eastern Orthodox theologian and philosopher, Lawler reports that his criticism of the New Atheists starts from a Nietzschian perspective. All I have to say is that homey don’t play that game. . . . . Continue Reading »

Another floral acronym?

English-speaking Calvinists are generally familiar with the acronym TULIP, which is a handy way of remembering the principal doctrines of Reformed Christianity:Total depravityUnconditional electionLimited atonementIrresistible gracePerseverance of the saintsHowever, given that some might see TULIP . . . . Continue Reading »



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