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Faerie Queene: A Cure For Mental Fatigue

Think the Western Church is Jan Crouch or Borgia Popes?Believe that English Protestantism is Oliver Cromwell tyranny in service of the cultural values of Elmer Gantry?Read Spenser and take the cure.The notion that Protestantism, at least of sort, destroys the ability to produce great literature . . . . Continue Reading »

The Tsar’s Ministers Are to Blame

We are now at the happy moment in politics where voters speak. Pundits must wait for the rest of America to vote and only then can they spin, massage, slice, dice and make Julienne fries of the results.Here is my prediction:If the Democrats win in New Jersey and lose in Virginia, it will be seen as . . . . Continue Reading »

Obamacare: Pelosi’s Blatant Mendacity

I remember being in Rome more than ten years ago and developing a nice camaraderie with the hotel clerk.  As we talked about our respective countries, he told me that he was beside himself, to the point of endangering his health, about what he perceived to be the casual corruption and mendacity . . . . Continue Reading »



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