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Love Letters From the Land of the Living

Earlier this week, Fr. Gerald E. Murray wrote, “We remember those whom God placed into our lives here below for a time and who are united with us still, even after they have left our sight. This fact, taught to us by our faith, compels us to act. We pray, and we rejoice at the goodness of . . . . Continue Reading »

The Literary Calvinism of Marilynne Robinson

Peter J. Leithart on Marilynne Robinson : Stylistic clarity and uncluttered simplicity are the qualities of Robinson’s work that puts her in the tradition of American literary Calvinism. As Wood says, “There is a familiar American simplicity . . . which is Puritan and colloquial in its . . . . Continue Reading »

The Gospel is the Antidote for Everything

Once there were two brothers. You know their story, more than likely. One was wasteful, exploitative, wanton, licentious. One was rigid, moralistic, uptight, legalistic. Two brothers with two personalities and two sets of attendant sins. But their father loved them both and all that he had belonged . . . . Continue Reading »

Obvious Election Takes

First, President Obama has a long time to get back on track, but voters are not thrilled with what they have seen so far. If the economy improves, he is in good shape, but if it is as it is today, there will be trouble in 2010. Still, that is a long a way away and President Obama is a phenomenal . . . . Continue Reading »

The comfort of belonging

Easily the jewel of the 16th-century Reformed confessions is the Heidelberg Catechism, which begins in so memorable and moving a fashion as to work its way into the hearts of believers everywhere:Q & A 1Q. What is your only comfortin life and in death?A. That I am not my own,but belong—body . . . . Continue Reading »

Evangelical Socialism

Fearsome Comrade has some insightful thoughts about the nature of socialism:An important difference between socialism and capitalism is that socialism promises salvation delivered from on high, while the only thing capitalism can promise is competition.  Because of this, socialism can be . . . . Continue Reading »

Who Killed Anthropology?

Claude Lévi-Strauss has died , at the age of 100. He was, in his way, a great mind, if somewhat typical of his era—a fact made manifest by the typical response to his death, which expresses not so much surprise that he has died as surprise that he was still alive, to have died. Without . . . . Continue Reading »



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