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Questions about Rand

Perhaps the weirdest thing on the right is tolerance for the bloviating novelist Ayn Rand. The philosophical problem with Ayn Rand is not so much her views, but that she does not argue for them. She asserts them, but when counterarguments are made there is no response. Her philosophy, such as it is, . . . . Continue Reading »

All’s Well That Translates Well?

At the age of sixty-three, Surjit Hans began a bold project: Translating all of Shakespeare’s works into Punjabi. After sixteen years, the former head of a university history department in India, has nearly completed the task. But rather than gaining a deeper appreciation for the Bard, Hans . . . . Continue Reading »

Two Kingdoms Theory and Ken Myers

Over at Justin Taylor’s blog, he offers a transcribed interview conducted with Ken Myers of the great Mars Hill Audio.  I want to talk about this part:Question: One of the arguments out there by what I am going to call a “high two-kingdoms view,” is that there is not a . . . . Continue Reading »

100 Most Overrated/Underrated Films

That movie was totally overrated. Now if you want to see a really worthwhile flick you should see . . . ” Because self-serious film buffs (like me) say this type of thing all the time, I thought it would be a worthwhile exercise to actually list 50 of the most overrated and 50 of the most . . . . Continue Reading »

Reductionism and the narrowing of minds

In 1932 a 26-year-old Philip E. Wentworth published an article in the Atlantic Monthly titled: “What College Did to My Religion,” which the magazine has seen fit to post in its web archives. The author tells the tragic tale of how, as a young man, he was moved by an undergraduate Harvard . . . . Continue Reading »

McLaren Answers the Stupak Question

Shortly after my post ” Where do ProgressiveEvangelicals Stand on the Stupak-Pitts Amendment?” , I got an blast email from the folks over at Sojourners calling attention to a Sojourners article by Brian McLaren that answers the question. McLaren is not happy with the folks at the Daily . . . . Continue Reading »

One More Liberty Lost

Well, not yet. But it looks pretty likely. Washington, D.C., the city that should be the protector of liberty is now bent on reducing liberty. Specifically, the city is bent on reducing religious liberty. And they are doing it in the same fashion as Massachusetts did a few years ago.Tim Craig and . . . . Continue Reading »



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