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The Twitterfication of All Things?

Novelist Cormac McCarthy gives a fascinating interview to the Wall Street Journal in which he discusses, among other things, books, movies, God, cultural permanence, and ideas. At one point, the interview turns to the modern attention span, and how novelists must adapt: WSJ: Does this issue of . . . . Continue Reading »

Abortion Rates and Voting Behavior

Michael Barone examines the latest data on abortion rates and finds an interesting pattern : Roe v. Wade imposed the same legal abortion regime on the entire nation and made abortion a national political issue. Yet Americans in different regions and states have in effect established very different . . . . Continue Reading »

Confessions of a Progressive Christian

My recent reading of the Progressive Revival blog provides a good opportunity to explain my own identity as a progressive Christian. Of course I must immediately point out that what the larger society deems progress may not necessarily be genuinely progressive, which raises the central issue of what . . . . Continue Reading »

Considering the Hero

John Mark Reynolds takes another tack on the question regarding the heroes in our midst and not in the distant past, although he mentions at least one of them as well.One approach to the question of the hero is to start with the particular. That is to say, before you have a hero, you have heroic . . . . Continue Reading »

In Defense of Grocery Story Christians

At Front Porch Republic (one of my favorite blogs), Orthodox convert Jason Peters took some swipes at “a place called ‘Bible Harvest Chapel,’ which is a kind of movie theater retrofitted to a former big box electronics store.” Peters wasn’t too impressed by the . . . . Continue Reading »

Product Placement in the Pulpit

There’s a curious and discouraging article in the November 20th Entertainment Weekly magazine about producers’ efforts to “sell” the upcoming film adaptation of Cormac McCarthy’s The Road to Christians (by way of their pastors). [T]he adaptation of . . . . . . . Continue Reading »

“Maybe We’re Not Christians”

A real Christian life is one infused with the qualities of Christ himself. But we have replaced submission, service, and sacrifice with salesmanship, self-help, and success.Here is an excerpt from a challenging article written by someone who may surprise you. Read it first, and I will tell you who . . . . Continue Reading »

Krauthammer Nails It

Charles Krauthammer was trained as a psychiatrist. I often took issue with his foreign policy reading during the Bush administration. But his column on medicalizing mass murder really nails it. Just in case you missed it: a classic.What a surprise - that someone who shouts “Allahu akbar” . . . . Continue Reading »



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