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Let the Show Trial Commence

The recent debate about whether the trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed should be held in New York City has overshadowed the question of whether the trial should even be held by a federal criminal court rather than by a military tribunal. The obvious answer, as indicated by a recent exchange between . . . . Continue Reading »

What Kind of Prophet Am I?

Each fall the CBC asks me to predict what will happen in the coming year in bioethics/biotechnology. To say the least, I have a mixed record.  I was more worried about 2009 than turned out to be warranted by events especially about assisted suicide which moved the ball not at all in the . . . . Continue Reading »

The Cheapening of Baptism

. . . is somewhat inevitable in the customer-driven church. Isn’t it?This was in a recent email newsletter sent by a church from my past:“While you only need to be baptized once, if you’d like to reaffirm your commitment to God we encourage you to participate in baptism . . . . Continue Reading »


An interesting essay by the economics writer Meghan McArdle in the Atlantic on the evangelical anti-debt preacher—guru? prophet? it’s hard to know just what to call him—named Dave Ramsey. The essay is surprisingly short: If anything called out for long-form journalism, this seemed . . . . Continue Reading »

Why ELF/ALF Are Terrorists

A court decision in a case against the Earth Liberation Front (ELF) describes why its members (and, by extension animal liberation criminals such as, ALF, SHAC, etc.) deserve to be called terrorists.  From the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals decision U.S. v Christianson,  starting at page 12 . . . . Continue Reading »



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