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Cabinet Jobs Available, No Experience Necessary

The American posted this interesting graph that examines the prior private sector experience of the cabinet officials since 1900. It includes secretaries of State, Commerce, Treasury, Agriculture, Interior, Labor, Transportation, Energy, and Housing & Urban Development, and excludes Postmaster . . . . Continue Reading »

Blood Gratitude

This Thanksgiving, I’m thankful for blood. It’s one of the most powerful metaphors in any language, and it is the substance by which we measure our humanity.Blood can mean death, of course. With loss of blood goes our life. Blood is the mark of violence, whether it is brought to bear . . . . Continue Reading »

Grateful: For a Loving, Committed Family

I love the television show Heroes on NBC.  My wife and I got addicted to the program via Netflix and have made it appointment viewing ever since.  Lately, the show, which began with straightforward characters and easily understandable models of nobility, has become more complicated.Noah, a . . . . Continue Reading »

Not Dead Yet

This is the introduction I didn’t want to write.Over the last few years, I’ve watched Patrol Magazine grow. I’ve written on and off for the site—served as the head editor for a short stint—and I’ve been amazed and excited to see its growth. I’ve always wanted . . . . Continue Reading »

Grateful: a daughter’s blessing

Because God is the author of the entire creation, it is difficult to know where to start in offering thanksgiving for the many discrete blessings he has given us. I could run through any number of things for which I am grateful, but probably the greatest is my daughter, Theresa, who just turned . . . . Continue Reading »

Jewish People Apparently a Jewish Conspiracy

The Jewish people have no distinct racial or biological identity—and they came from the Caucasus, not Palestine. So says Tel Aviv University professor Shlomo Sand, who admits that he wrote The Invention of the Jewish People in order “to undercut the Jews’ claims to the land of . . . . Continue Reading »



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