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Longing for King Jesus

Advent is here.Advent is the time the church prepares for the coming of King Jesus at the Christ Mass.We are excited for the simple reason that our secular princes always let us down. Christians are the most hard headed of people. We know that nobody can be trusted, because we don’t trust . . . . Continue Reading »

Cleanliness and Purity in the Practice of Jesus

The congregation of which I am a part had completed the ritual of “foot-washing,” Sunday morning. We were reflecting together on John 13:1-17, and puzzling over the reaction of Peter—“Jesus, if you are going to wash me, then wash my head and hands too,”—and Jesus’ retort—“you are . . . . Continue Reading »

Swiss Vote to Ban Minarets

Minarets are the tall spires on some mosques that serve to provide a vantage point from which the call to prayer is made. In Switzerland—where there are only four minarets in the entire country— these architectural features are now banned : Swiss voters have supported a referendum . . . . Continue Reading »

Re: John Mark on Going Rogue . . .

Heckuva post, Brownie! Seriously, I’m glad you read the book so I don’t have to.I am with you in thinking that Sarah Palin is an amazing political talent. That woman can deliver a speech as well as anybody out there. Personally, I thought her speeches were better and more powerful than . . . . Continue Reading »

Of Elijah and Darwin

This summer I had a class in theology which I sometimes discussed. This class was part of the “late vocations” program offered by in our area by the OCA. Currently, I’m taking the second of these classes, and true to form the reading/work load has been somewhat larger than . . . . Continue Reading »

Is Jesus a Democrat or a Republican?

It’s stupid to even entertain the question. But every time I see it posed, it isn’t for getting people to focus on issues instead of remaining blind devotees to political parties. Intentional or not, it often serves as a way to distract people from important issues that do deserve our . . . . Continue Reading »

A Note on Obervation

The most recent issue of the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (JETS) includes a submission by Greg Goswell entitled “The Order of the Books in the Greek Old Testament.”  When I first looked at it, it seemed pretty dry.  But sometimes appearances can fool the . . . . Continue Reading »

Circumcising People Less Fortunate?

Sports Illustrated wanders into the theological : Whether it’s genuine or a performance, does it matter as long as the saintly act was committed? Tebow’s on- and off-field exploits have landed under a similar microscope. Sure, he scores a ton of rushing touchdowns, but they’re . . . . Continue Reading »



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