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Huckabee and the Limits of Compassion

The tragic murders of four policeman in Washington State , quickly turned into a political story when it was discovered that former governor and Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee had previously commuted the sentence of the gunman, making him eligible for parole. Normally, I . . . . Continue Reading »

Faith-based hiring: news not so bad

My friend Stanley Carlson-Thies was for a long time associated with the Center for Public Justice in Annapolis, Maryland, and served in the Bush White House in 2001-2 in the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. Now he is leading the Institutional Religious Freedom Alliance (IRFA), whose . . . . Continue Reading »

My Genes Made Me Murder!

Genetic determinism is a way of liberating us from free will and taking full responsibility for our actions.  One would think that “my genes made me do it” defense would go no further than pleading, “The devil made me do it.”  Alas, one would so hope in vain.  . . . . Continue Reading »

The Progressive Abuse of the Poor

In an extended discussion on a matter of practical Christian ethics, it is my contention that the Christian ethic provides the best defense of the poor and needy in society.  While separating from the abusive approach of today’s semi-Marxists, the Christian is able to work for the . . . . Continue Reading »

Culture Alerts

So, like every other American who’s not a Porcher, I watched TV and went to the movies over the Thanksgiving holiday. Here’s the best I heard and saw: AN EDUCATION is a genuinely erotic, sophisticated, conversational movie about a brilliant, beautiful girl of sixteen who learns . . . . Continue Reading »

You Had Me At Ahoy

If you think slang terms developed for email, texting, and instant messaging—LOL, BRB, NSFW, etc.—are a passing fad, I have one word for you: Hello! As Nate Barksdale explains , the word Emily Post tried to ban got a boost from an earlier technological innovation—the telephone: . . . . Continue Reading »

Introduction to “O Holy Night”

Today I kicked off a devotional commentary series through the song “O Holy Night” over at The A-Team Blog. I’m not sure if it really fits with Evangel or not, but I’ll cross-post the first few entries here to see how it goes.“O Holy Night” is one of those . . . . Continue Reading »

A Philosopher’s Rogue Thoughts on Palin

Over on Evangel, philosopher John Mark Reynolds live-blogged his reaction to reading Sarah Palin’s Going Rogue . Although a fan and defender of Palin, JMR has become decidedly less enthused after reading her tome: Practical wisdom is guided not just by common sense, but by reason and the . . . . Continue Reading »



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