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The Significance of Climategate

I have always thought that the global warming, or “climate change” debate, was as much about social psychology as science. Now we have the perfect example in the unseemly row over a thousand purloined e-mails to and from the scientists of the Climate Research Unit at the University of . . . . Continue Reading »

The “No True Scientist” Fallacy

In his 1975 book Thinking About Thinking , philosopher Anthony Flew outlined a form of argument that he dubbed the “No True Scotsman” fallacy: Argument: “No Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge.” Reply: “But my uncle Angus likes sugar with his porridge.” Rebuttal: . . . . Continue Reading »

Sayonara, Weber!

Via Tyler Cowen, a paper by Davide Cantoni  casts some doubt on the efficacy of the Protestant Ethic: Many theories, most famously Max Weber’s essay on the ‘Protestant ethic,’ have hypothesized that Protestantism should have favored economic development. With their . . . . Continue Reading »

Jesus Has AIDS

From Russell Moore at Evangel : Jesus has AIDS. Just reading that in the type in front of you probably has some of you angry. Let me help you see why that is, and, in so doing, why caring for those with AIDS is part of the gospel mandate given to us in the Great Commission. The statement that Jesus . . . . Continue Reading »

Saul Alinsky and Jacques Maritain

Following the manifold scandals involving the Catholic Campaign for Human Development comes a twofold discussion by the blog Cosmos, Liturgy, Sex — the first getting to the root of the problem, the second on the “spiritual paternity” of Saul Alinsky and Jacques Maritain (the latter post . . . . Continue Reading »

An Odious Law: Uganda and Homosexuality

Uganda may pass a law that could lead to the death penalty for homosexual behavior.The proposed law is odious.Due to the legacy of colonialism, Western people should be sensitive about interfering in sub-Saharan African politics and modest in making moral pronouncements regarding Africa, but this . . . . Continue Reading »

Jesus Has AIDS

Jesus has AIDS.Just reading that in the type in front of you probably has some of you angry. Let me help you see why that is, and, in so doing, why caring for those with AIDS is part of the gospel mandate given to us in the Great Commission.The statement that Jesus has AIDS startles some of you . . . . Continue Reading »



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