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A Jus In Bello Defense of Nuclear Weapons

In his excellent post on evangelicals and nuclear abolitionism , Brian Auten notes that “it is important for, again, non-experts—national security and theological alike—to see that there are other, in some cases radically different and yet still Christian, perspectives to many of . . . . Continue Reading »

The Death of the Sacred

If nothing is sacred, nothing can be profaned.This line has been haunting me for a few months.  The video of the fellow tweeting during his wedding brought it back to mind.As one commenter on put it in response to the video, “It seems to me the issue–an all-too common one these . . . . Continue Reading »

Kill-joys at the Yuletide

So some of you are thinking, “Frank, you’re a jerk, you know that? This is the Christmas season, and you’re ignoring the fact that the Angels we have heard on High sang Glo-o-o-ria in-ex-chel-sis-day-o. They were happy – John Piper would say they were happy. John Mark Reynolds . . . . Continue Reading »

Unity through Beauty

Longtime readers know of my obsession with mathematical beauty, so it should come as no surprise to find me hopping up and down most eagerly and pointing you towards Matthew Milliner’s very immodest proposal in Public Discourse. My only quibble with the article is that the proportion of . . . . Continue Reading »

“Our Hearts Are Restless . . .”

“Thou hast formed us for Thyself, and our hearts are restless till they find rest in Thee.” (Augustine, Confessions (Book 1)The longing of our hearts for something more, something beyond ourselves is powerful. Intuitively, we know that we need something to complete our broken hearts, . . . . Continue Reading »

Of Science and Movements

If the core data of a model is proven to be false, is it still a valid model?  Worse yet, what if the very model itself becomes meaningless?  What are we to do with a “science” where that “science” lacks either soundness or substance?  The situation we know as . . . . Continue Reading »



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