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A fear of many who protest the opening of this clinic is that doctors there will fertilize myriad eggs and discard the “extras” and the abnormal as if they were no more meaningful than a dish of caviar. But this fear seems largely unwarranted. —Comment made by columnist Ellen Goodman . . . . Continue Reading »

Women of Advent and Christmas: Saint Lucy

There is darkness and then there is a night sky filled with stars. The first is hellish despair, but the second is a chance to look up toward the lights of Heaven.Advent allows us to follow a Holy Star toward Bethlehem where we will find the light of the World, the Son of God. One woman is part of . . . . Continue Reading »

Having Heard Romney

Saturday I had the chance to hear Mitt Romney speak without notes or teleprompter. He took questions from the audience.I realized how low my standards had become for politicians. Romney was amazing. He gave complete answers, used historical references for his points from memory, and showed a sense . . . . Continue Reading »

Divvying Up the Writers of the 66

Ecumenical dialogue is important. One problem in discussions between Christians has been the failure to recognize that each group quotes different Biblical authors. We all know that Paul is a Protestant, for example, but few recognize that Paul himself can be divided between early Paul . . . . Continue Reading »

Veni Redemptor gentium

Some of my favourite hymns are Advent hymns. No, not the Christmas songs that fill the malls and airwaves around this time of year, but the Advent hymns that fill us with a sense of expectation at both comings of the Messiah. One of the very best has to be Saviour of the Nations, Come. The Latin . . . . Continue Reading »

With Interest

At Christmas, we think –- we, Americans who say we are Christians –- we deserve a break from the things we do every day. We deserve a rest. We deserve to sleep on the sofa, and to have a big meal, and then to sleep on the sofa again, and watch a parade or some football, or whatever it is . . . . Continue Reading »

The Surge and the Power of the Purse

So my friend Carl Scott has this very interesting reaction to the report that some Democrats are seriously considering an organized opposition to funding the surge in Afghanistan: “My initial reaction to that report was repugnance, but having thought a bit more, and about how uneasy . . . . Continue Reading »



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