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Of the LXX, MT, and Translations

Recently I noted textual differences between the MT and LXX text in Isaiah. One other difference noted in our reading recently was in 1 Chronicles (translated as Supplements in the LXX) 21. From the ESV (a MT based translation):Now the angel of the Lord had commanded Gad to say to David that David . . . . Continue Reading »

A Short Christmas Survey

Ok.  I’ve got some questions about Christmas.  Think of this as a little survey.1.  Do you find yourself talking (teaching/preaching) of the atonement more, less, or about the same during the Christmas season?2.  Do you find a greater, lesser, or unchanged emphasis on . . . . Continue Reading »

Climategate and Confederacy Theories

Megan McArdle expresses a sentiment many people share when it comes to weighing the importance of Climategate to the larger questions about climate change: I am thoroughly unimpressed with the belief that global warming scientists have been engaging in some kind of massive conspiracy to conceal the . . . . Continue Reading »

Wake, Awake, for Night Is Flying

I would love for our churches to sing Advent hymns all year round. Why? Because they convey the aching sense of longing that all of us Christians have as we continue to live between the times. As Dietrich Bonhoeffer put it,Advent is a time of waiting. Our whole life, however, is Advent — that . . . . Continue Reading »



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