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Just War and the Presumption of Pacifism

At NRO , George Weigel has a brief but enlightening article on the just war tradition : The classic just-war tradition did not begin with a “presumption against war.” Augustine didn’t begin there; Aquinas didn’t begin there. And indeed, no one in the tradition began there until . . . . Continue Reading »

Temple Prostitution: A Modest Proposal

Last summer, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America voted  to accept actively homosexual persons as members of their clergy and to condone gays and lesbians living in “lifelong, monogamous same-gender relationships.” This has caused a firestorm of controversy in that church . . . . Continue Reading »

An update about Michael Spencer

Yesterday in a comment here I asked for prayer for Michael Spencer, the ubiquitous Internet Monk, for his on-going health issues. I did so in a rather off-handed way which came across as less than sincere, and for that I apologize: he’s a husband and a father, and a friend to many people, and . . . . Continue Reading »

Gospel-Centered Moratorium?

Dan at City of God has is weary of evangelicalism’s newest buzz phrase: Can we just stop people in the church from using terms like “gospel-focused” or “gospel-centered” for the next couple of years? It seems this has been the terminology du jour much in the same way . . . . Continue Reading »

That Line Between Good and Evil

Frank Turk, cf this post, is down on wiggly ecumenism. And in this he is right. But it also seems out that he’s throwing the baby out with the bathwater. For there’s an important, and very difficult, first step toward ecumenism that he is not doing very well, especially regarding the . . . . Continue Reading »

Of Crime, Cowards, Clemmons, and Caricatures

In his latest New York Times column , Ross Douthat explains the lesson politicians can take from the tragic shooting of four police officers in Washington State: If you’re a governor with presidential aspirations, you should never, under any circumstances, pardon a convict or reduce a . . . . Continue Reading »



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