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Trueman on Sinful Self-Promotion

This essay by Carl Trueman is travelling like wildfire around the Christian blogging community, and with good reason.  It’s a scathing critique of the profligate self-promotion that goes on in the Christian blogging community:Let’s stop there a minute. This is madness. Is this where . . . . Continue Reading »

Conservative Readings During Christmas

Now that the semester is almost over, a brief follow up to the discussion about the place of conservatism in the university . . . . . . reading this piece about Donald Livingston and the Abbeville Institute got me thinking: what new books about conservative thought would it be beneficial for . . . . Continue Reading »

You Shouldn’t Have Been Born, Caleb Jones

What happens when you’re told that you were a mistake, that you shouldn’t have been born, and that your parents were selfish to allow you into this world?One of my dear friends, Caleb Jones, has been forced to face that question head on in the last few days and weeks. His thoughts on . . . . Continue Reading »

The Princess and the Frog? Yes and Neaux

As one who grew up right across the state line from New Orleans and spent most of my young life romping through its streets and marshes, I took my family to see Disney’s latest animated film “The Princess and the Frog,” set in the Crescent City and the bayous around it.Since then . . . . Continue Reading »

Gift Giving and Getting

I’m growing older, as my wife reminds me dutifully. One thing about growing older is that you enjoy things in a different way than you used to. I don’t know about you, but for me the best part of Christmas gifts is now giving gifts, not receiving them. I love to give my loved ones gifts. . . . . Continue Reading »

Neruda’s List

The BBC has an interesting discussion of the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda and his role in getting refugees out of Franco’s Spain: In 1938, Neruda was a diplomat, representing Chile in Paris. He chartered a ship, the SS Winnipeg, to convey 2,000 Spanish Republicans to Chile. He was there on the . . . . Continue Reading »



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