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The Other Gospel this Christmas

Given what’s been said about me here after declining to sign the MD, I’m fearful to post anything that’s not a robust affirmation of the Gospel of jesus Christ which also includes all people at all time who have ever walked in the shadow of any post-Nicene tradition, but brave men . . . . Continue Reading »

John the Forerunner

The following appears as the most recent instalment of my monthly column, “Principalities & Powers,” in the Canadian newspaper, Christian Courier:Among the four gospels Luke is unique in offering readers four canticles, along the lines of those found in the Old Testament. The best . . . . Continue Reading »

On the Limits of Professional Expertise

Matt Feeney has a great, tart post on Tiger Woods, which I nonetheless want to take in another direction. For Matt, the prevailing sentiment unleashed over the last few weeks is not, in the most immediate sense, some reflex of racial loathing that we white people have been holding in store in . . . . Continue Reading »

Murder, He Lied

Ross is right to come down on Ezra for reckless and irresponsible hyperventilating on health care. But let me dot the i here. Ezra Klein kicked up a hornet’s nest of controversy by accusing Lieberman of being “willing to cause the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in order to . . . . Continue Reading »

Have you seen St. Nick?

Here is the fascinating story of how scientists used St. Nicholas’ skull to do a reconstruction of his face, and the results look identical to an ancient icon of Nicholas of Myra. Read the story here. Here is what Nicholas looked like, first the reconstruction of his head and face based on the . . . . Continue Reading »

The Earth: In Memoriam

Taking his cue from Wallace Stevens who said that poetry is the “supreme fiction,” Al Gore, as you may know, has published a climate change poem in his new book, Our Choice . The first stanza is actually not too bad, but it falls apart quicker than an arctic iceberg after that, alas. . . . . Continue Reading »

The Raising of Lazarus and Advent

Before feasting comes fasting and before Christmas there is Advent. There is a song written for Advent that captures the spirit of this build up to the Holy Day, a strange blend of longing and hope:Oh, come, oh, come, Emmanuel,And ransom captive Israel,That mourns in lonely exile hereUntil the Son . . . . Continue Reading »



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