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Nelson Caves on Abortion Funding

I had hoped that my senator, Ben Nelson from Nebraska, would stand up for the sanctity of life.  His vote turned out to be decisive for moving the health care legislation forward in the Senate, and it looked as though he would hold out for something like the Stupak amendment to the Senate . . . . Continue Reading »

On Lifestyle Choices

Reihan says something that gets the wheels turning: At the moment, my side, the partisans of going after downscale voters first, is losing the argument to those who recommend going after the voters Michael Petrilli has described as ” Whole Foods Republicans .” What makes these voters . . . . Continue Reading »

So Tired at Christmas

The Romans built roads, the Greeks did philosophy, Americans don’t sleep much.Consuming worthwhile entertainment alone is a full time job: Netflix is calling me to watch the complete Shakespeare now. Add to that the temptation of the guilty pleasures of the new Dr. Who (the best new series of . . . . Continue Reading »

Brownies for Christmas: 13, 14, 15

We near the end of the adventures of Laura, head of the ultra-progressive Community School, and Colleen, a Baptist accidentally enrolled there. The Brownies and the Anti-Brownie prepare to battle for the soul of Laura.Start listening to this holiday radio program here.Episode 13The Brownies discuss . . . . Continue Reading »

Leo and Eric

Over at the Voegelin View website, Fritz Wagner has the first two parts of a four part essay titled, “Medieval Rationalism or Mystic Philosophy” by Dr. Ellis Sandoz the editor of the Collected Works of Eric Voegelin. The essay originally appeared in a compilation of essays titled, Faith . . . . Continue Reading »



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