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More on the Invincible Ignorance of Liberalism

Reader Nicholas Frankovich made an important clarification of my general observation that American liberal intellectuals have not come to terms with their moral mistakes. He points out that Susan Sontag spoke up against the self-complimenting anti-anti-communism of the Left. Excellent observation. . . . . Continue Reading »

How December 25 Became Christmas

Biblical Archaeology Review has a scholarly examination of why Christmas is celebrated on December 25—and it’s likely not, as commonly believed, timed to coincide with a pagan holiday: The most loudly touted theory about the origins of the Christmas date(s) is that it was borrowed from . . . . Continue Reading »

Corpus Juris Vol. I

For some time now, I’ve been meaning to do a weekly round up of interesting law-related articles that I stumble across in the blawgosphere. So, with that brief introduction, here is my first installment of “Corpus Juris”: Is the Health Care Reform Bill Unconstitutional? . . . . Continue Reading »

The Fathers on Christmas and the Eucharist

It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing. —Gospel of John, chapter six The Spirit hath done much for our salvation, by means of the flesh. —St. Augustine In the words of His disciples, Jesus’ teaching in the Bread of Life discourse is “a hard saying; who . . . . Continue Reading »

Why are New Yorkers in Such an Unhappy State?

A new study reveals a correlation between living within commuting distance of Manhattan and self-reported levels of happiness. The tri-state area—New York, Connecticut, and New Jersey—ranked, #51, #50, and #49 on the list of most unhappiest states. (Washington, D.C. was also included in . . . . Continue Reading »

Service to the Communists

Monday’s Wall Street Journal ran an interesting review of a newly published biography of John S. Service by Jonathan Mirsky. Drummed out of the State Department during the McCarthy period, Service was long viewed as a victim of irrational anti-communism, and he was rewarded by the liberal . . . . Continue Reading »

When Christmas is Not “Merry”

I am thinking a lot this Christmas about the fact that for many people, more than would ever be willing to admit openly, there is very little, “merry” about Christmas. They are caught up in personal troubles and situations that are causing them intense pain and anguish of heart and mind, . . . . Continue Reading »

Obamacare: Stifling Future Freedom

The Senate Obamacare bill seeks to stifle freedom by preventing further legislation that might change the terms of what it seeks to impose on our country.  From a blog over at the Weekly Standard:Senator Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) pointed out some rather astounding language in the Senate health care . . . . Continue Reading »



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