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Saint John’s Day: December 27

Of the Twelve, John alone did not forsake Jesus in the hours of His suffering and death. With the faithful women, he stood at the cross, where our Lord made him the guardian of His mother. After Pentecost, John spent his ministry in Jerusalem and at Ephesus, where tradition says he was the bishop. . . . . Continue Reading »

God’s End Game

I was thinking of using the title “From Providence to Eschatology” just to make things sounds more theologically rich.  Then I though, “So what?  Who cares?”There is a step between Christmas and Pentecost, between Israel proper and the church that might be . . . . Continue Reading »

St. Stephen the Protomartyr

Today is the feast of St. Stephen the Protomartyr in the eastern church. The western churches celebrated his feast day yesterday. His story is told in Acts 6-8:1. One element of this episode has always puzzled me. Verses 2-4 of Acts 7 tells us:And the twelve summoned the full number of the disciples . . . . Continue Reading »

Are Plants Ethical Beings?

I have written extensively about how the Swiss Constitution declared the legal intrinsic dignity of individual plants (and an ethics committee declared the “decapitation” of a wildflower to be immoral ). I have also written how Nicaragua’s new constitution created the “rights of . . . . Continue Reading »

Thy Manger is My Paradise

O Jesus Christ,Thy manger isMy paradise at which my soul reclineth.For there, O Lord,Doth lie the WordMade flesh for us; herein Thy grace forth shineth.He whom the seaAnd wind obeyDoth come to serve the sinner in great meekness.Thou, God’s own Son,With us art one,Dost join us and our children . . . . Continue Reading »

O Holy Night (12) - Christ Is the Lord!

This is the final post in a twelve part devotional commentary on “O Holy Night.” See the introduction here.Christ is the Lord! O praise His Name forever,His power and glory Evermore proclaim.His power and glory Evermore proclaim.The carol ends on a note of proclamation, its fourth . . . . Continue Reading »



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