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Obamacare: Less Healthcare For More People

Over the Christmas holiday lull, I saw one commenter support Obamacare on the purely utilitarian grounds that the government should do that which benefits the most people.  I almost spit out my eggnog.  Obamacare will actually harm most people to benefit the minority by reducing the level . . . . Continue Reading »

Interview with Os Guinness

Over on the Evangel blog, Nathan Martin has an interview with author and social critic Os Guinness : When was the first time you heard the term “Evangelical”? It is deeply written into the tradition of our family. My great great grandfather, who founded the Guinness Brewing Company, was . . . . Continue Reading »

What is Evangelicalism?

In a recent post, Nathan Martin shared some interesting observations by Os Guinness about the state of Evangelicalism. It is a thought-provoking post. It made me realize that for all the years I’ve been reading about, and studying, Evangelicalism, self-understanding and self-definition remain, . . . . Continue Reading »

Islam and the Two Solitudes

Mark Steyn makes an interesting observation about the cultural “bilingualism”: Years ago, apropos a Spanish-language payphone in Vermont, I said I couldn’t understand why any country would voluntarily become bilingual. If you happen to find yourself in one for historic reasons, . . . . Continue Reading »

The Syllogisms of Seinfeld

There is more logic in humor than in anything else. Because, you see, humor is truth. — Victor Borge Comedians aren’t often known for their critical thinking skills and Mr. Spock —the Vulcan embodiment of cool logic—wasn’t known for his jokes. So at first glance it might . . . . Continue Reading »

A Different Take on Avatar

I saw Avatar a couple of nights ago with the words of many earlier critics in mind. The template was in place. This would be a left-wing, pantheistic film. Coming out of it, I think Avatar is more complex than that. Whether or not Cameron intended that complexity, I don’t . . . . Continue Reading »

Where Have All the Evangelicals Gone?

”..for instance in England, there was a vogue for the term, “post-Evangelical.” That’s absolutely ludicrous. If someone is an ex-Evangelical, in other words, they once were an Evangelical, but no longer are, then terrific. At least they’re honest enough to say so, I . . . . Continue Reading »

Conservative and Liberal Habits of Mind

It’s a blessing to have smart readers, and I’ve profited from the string of comments about the differences between conservative and liberal mentalities. Some point out that the Bush administration had its share of ideological blindness, especially with regard to policies after the . . . . Continue Reading »



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