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Hard Rain?

Dr. Deneen over at the Front Porch has written a blog titled, The New World Order , that one might describe as either being rather pessimistic this holiday season or spot on in an analysis of the current condition. The tone of the blog will undoubtedly tighen the knickers of all good PoMoCons so I . . . . Continue Reading »

Sweden Seizes Home-Schooled Child

The Christian Telegraph reports that Swedish government seizes child from home schooling family : Swedish authorities forcibly removed Dominic Johansson from his parents, Christer and Annie Johansson, in June of last year from a plane they had boarded to move to Annie’s home country of India. . . . . Continue Reading »

Temple Prostitution: A Modest Proposal

Over on Evangel, Paul McCain republishes an article by Pastor Peter Speckhard , nephew of Fr. Neuhaus, advocating for the institution of temple prostitution. Fortunately, the piece can still be considered satire (though that will likely change in the next few years): What are the biggest problems, . . . . Continue Reading »

No-Nukes Makes a Nervous World

Thomas Schelling has a sobering article explaining why nuclear disarmament could make the world a more dangerous place: In summary, a “world without nuclear weapons” would be a world in which the United States, Russia, Israel, China, and half a dozen or a dozen other countries would . . . . Continue Reading »

The Myth of Islamic Tolerance

Muslims and non-Muslims who live in nations where Islam is not the law of the land talk a lot about how Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance. Christians who live in Islamic nations tell a different story. I picked this up from Ron Dreher’s blog, who writes: “If you want to know . . . . Continue Reading »

2: Where Have All the Evangelicals Gone?

”...a steadily rising equivalent of the European repudiation of religion climaxing in the new atheist. We have created the monster we dislike, and it’s our fault.” -Os Guinness [Read: Part One]My father told me I shouldn’t play poker.Don’t worry, a striving towards some . . . . Continue Reading »

Nancy Pelosi and the Catholic Bishops

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was interviewed in a recent edition of Newsweek , in which she had the opportunity to set the bishops straight on the participation of Catholics in public life. I think you have had some brushes with [church] hierarchy. I have some concerns about the church’s . . . . Continue Reading »

Yale Doesn’t Like Sissies

In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s This Side of Paradise, the Princeton-bound Midwestern striver Amory Blaine says, “I don’t know why, but I think of all Harvard men as sissies, like I used to be, and all Yale men as wearing big blue sweaters and smoking pipes.” Thinking this was a . . . . Continue Reading »

Avatar and the Agrarians

Similar to Hunter , who was surprised to find that Avatar was more than a “left-wing, pantheistic film,” my favorite localist apologist, Caleb Stegall , found something to appreciate in the recent blockbuster: It is curious to me that this movie has so obviously touched a raw nerve and . . . . Continue Reading »



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