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The Approach of Lent

At Evangel, the Rev Paul T. McCain noted that he was somewhat unfamiliar with the details and differences of and between the Eastern Orthodox and the Western (liturgical) calendars. So, with that in mind, I thought I’d attempt to fill in what’s happening and up and coming for the . . . . Continue Reading »

Jesus was crucified

It’s obvious, I hope, that I’m writing here for people who say to themselves, “There is something irresistible about Jesus.” For some of you, that’s a point which you make into an ideological cathedral — a point of doctrine which lines up in an acronym that summarizes the faith, your faith. For others, it’s a nagging thought — as you work out your faith on your own, you keep coming back to this Jesus, and you can’t make sense of him all the way, but you also can’t accept everything he says because it seems somehow too hard to live that way, or too complex, or too simple, or merely out of your grid of experience. Continue Reading »

Obamacare: CNN Poll Shows Only 38% Support

I’ve long said that the magic number to kill Obamacare was %35.  But with the election in Massachusetts, I think %38 will do. From the story:Only three in ten Americans say they want Congress to pass legislation similar to the health care reform bills that have already been approved by . . . . Continue Reading »

Basic Inerrancy

Matt Flanagan’s Inerrancy and Biblical Authority discussed Glenn Peoples’ Inerrantly Assuming Inerrancy in History. There are so many things I disagree with in the latter post that it was very hard to pull myself away from my desire to write a detailed response, but I . . . . Continue Reading »

Evolution Can’t Tell Darwin’s Story

Creation, a film about Charles Darwin’s personal life, is not a rant against God or even a story of the heroism of one man crusading for science against religion. Surprisingly, the movie is not polemical. It doesn’t bother to argue against religion, nor does it spend time arguing for the . . . . Continue Reading »

A Sermon for St. Titus Day

Pastor Mason Beecroft, of Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, preached this very fine sermon today, for St. Titus Day.“He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict . . . . Continue Reading »

The Pro-Life Generation

Thanks to Dr. Gene Edward Veith, for this post:The pro-abortionists are worried. Journalist Robert McCartney, one of their number, explains why:I went to the March for Life rally Friday on the Mall expecting to write about its irrelevance. Isn’t it quaint, I thought, that these abortion . . . . Continue Reading »



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