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Majority Oppose Euthanasia in USA

Honestly calling euthanasia, “euthanasia,” reveals that most Americans oppose legalization.  From the story:A new Angus Reid poll find that 42 percent of American adults are in favor of making euthanasia legal in the United States, although 52 percent feel legalizing induced death . . . . Continue Reading »

You Kant Believe Everything You Hear

Note to pompous, Kant-bashing public intellectuals : Before quoting from a book you haven’t read, you might want to check Wikipedia to make sure the tome even exists. Bernard-Henri Levy, France’s loudest voice of the 1970s school of nouveaux philosophes , who rarely appears on TV with . . . . Continue Reading »

Worship Music

It is not difficult to find Christian theologians and liturgical scholars commenting on what makes for a good hymn text. For example, last year I read J. Gresham Machen’s Christianity and Liberalism, in the course of which he discusses the merits of three familiar hymns, Nearer, My God, to . . . . Continue Reading »

Who’s Zoomin’ Who?

With full apologies for the vulgarity of the title (going back to a 70s piece of fluff top 40 music), it was the only thing that came  to mind.  The subject of prophecy, false prophets, and charlatans in our midst often inspires sarcasm within my heart.  But I just could not help . . . . Continue Reading »

Greece: A National Suicide Pact?

A general strike has paralyzed Greece in protest over rather timid austerity measures by the Papandreou government. With a budget deficit at about 13 percent of GDP, markets fear national bankruptcy. Were that to occur the Greek economy would collapse, Greek banks would be unable to roll over . . . . Continue Reading »

The One True Science Wins!

Thanks no doubt to all your prayers and crossed fingers, we got the grant from the Science of Virtues people at the University of Chicago. Turns out they weren’t offended by that misleading first sentence or my high-risk call not to use power point. It could be they were seduced by the . . . . Continue Reading »



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