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Re: Senate Majorities, Again

This theoretical victory stuff is always a fun game , Joe. Actually, if you want to do it up right, you could get a majority—the twenty-six smallest states, fifty-two senators—with just 11,010,526 voters, or 3.62 percent of the population. That’s based on the CIA Factbook ‘s . . . . Continue Reading »

The Ron Paul Tantrum

Apropos of not knowing how squished they are:Attendees at the Conservative Political Action Committee annual conference chose Ron Paul (R.-Texas) as their favorite candidate in the CPAC straw poll. That’s not a vote: it’s a tantrum. Ron Paul is an idiot, on a good day. The vote bespeaks . . . . Continue Reading »

The Cargo Cult of Economic Recovery

Like the New Guinea primitives who built straw airfields after the departure of American forces to bring “cargo” down from the heavens, Americans wait for the business cycle to turn. They will wait a long time. The Obama administration is administrating the economic equivalent of . . . . Continue Reading »

Unremarkable Matthias

A sermon by my colleague, Rev. Dr. Benjamin Mayes, on this day of St. Matthias, Apostle and Martyr.Unremarkable MatthiasIn the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Dearly Beloved:Matthias is unremarkable. We have his feast on our Evangelical-Lutheran church year calendar simply . . . . Continue Reading »

Re: Senate Majorities

In your post , Jody, you mention that, “You could elect 86 senators with a minority of the population, as the bottom 43 states have fewer people, in total, than the top seven states.” If the always-reliable Wikipedia is to be believed, it has always been possible to elect a majority of . . . . Continue Reading »

Greece as Political Time Bomb

Apropos of Jody’s post earlier today: On Feb. 12, I posted this item at my “Inner Workings” blog at Asia Times and on the Spengler blog at First Things : Although Greece is an EC member, its finances and political system have the character of a banana republic. EC membership, . . . . Continue Reading »

The Agony of Greece

And so it starts. Among those in First Things ’ offices, our senior editor David Goldman goes on The Kudlow Report to do the heavy lifting on economics, and things like guessing which way the Euro is going to break are way beyond my remit. Still, there are no good solutions to the Greek . . . . Continue Reading »



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