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On the History of Empires and Theology

Niall Ferguson provides a simple, clear, and insightful portrayal of the (potential) rise and fall of the American empire in his article Complexity and Collapse, Empires on the Edge of Chaos, from the March/April 2010 edition of Foreign Affairs. The thread of his analysis follows a thread provided . . . . Continue Reading »

Is Poverty In Africa Falling?

From the abstract of Pinkovskiy and Sala?i?Martin’s working paper ” African Poverty is Falling . . . Much Faster than You Think! ” (PDF): The conventional wisdom that Africa is not reducing poverty is wrong. Using the methodology of Pinkovskiy and Sala?i?Martin (2009), we estimate . . . . Continue Reading »

The Most Broken Vow Of All

The most oft broken vow by Christians, says theologian Carl Trueman , isn’t marital vows to remain faithful, ministerial vows to preach the gospel, or baptismal vows to raise children in the fear and nurture of the Lord: No.  The most broken vow is almost certainly that by which church . . . . Continue Reading »

Post-Structuralism as Post-Adolescence

Conservatives probably shouldn’t have a favorite Marxist literary critic, but Terry Eagleton is mine. (True, he’s also the only Marxist literary critic I’ve ever read but I suspect that even if I read others he’d retain the title.) Reading his Literary Theory convinced me that . . . . Continue Reading »

Happy Anniversary to First Things

March 2010 signifies First Things ’ 20th Anniversary. To celebrate, we’ve compiled a cross-section of the magazine’s highlights from the last two decades. We had an embarrassment of riches to choose from, a reminder to all of us of the lasting significance of the magazine’s . . . . Continue Reading »



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