Archbishop Charles J. Chaput on the captivity of “Catholic” witness : [T]he captivity of some Catholics to the agenda of current congressional leaders and the White House proves that faith partisans are not a monopoly of the political right, and that some Catholics have an almost . . . . Continue Reading »
Porcher-in-chief, Dr. Pat Deneen has a rather interesting post related to the soon-to-be passed Obamacare legislation, designed to empower the central government, and the corresponding rise of the constitutional concept of states’ rights beloved by anti-federalists of . . . . Continue Reading »
Confused about all of these newfangled legislative process terms like reconciliation and deem-and-pass? Here’s a video that explains it in less that two minutes. The presentation isn’t exactly unbiased (what is when it comes to health care?) but it’s certainly informative. (Via: . . . . Continue Reading »
The latest issue of First Things has a helpful profile on pro-life Democrats that focuses specifically on Bob Casey, the junior senator from Pennsylvania who replaced Rick Santorum. If you are like me you might have been confused about how exactly the current health care legislation funds . . . . Continue Reading »
[Note: Every Friday on First Thoughts we host a discussion about some aspect of pop culture. Todays theme is influential books. Have a suggestion for a topic? Send them to me at ] Earlier this week economist Tyler Cowen started a meme by asking bloggers to list the top . . . . Continue Reading »
Has a new work by William Shakespeare been discovered? Professor Brean Hammond of Nottingham University will publish compelling new evidence next week that the play, a romantic tragi-comedy by Lewis Theobald is as the author always maintained it was substantially based on a real . . . . Continue Reading »
Scripture Readings2 Samuel 7:4-16Romans 4:13-18Matthew 2:13-15; 2:19-23We pray:Almighty God, from the house of Your servant David You raised up Joseph to be the guardian of Your incarnate Son and the husband of His mother, Mary. Grant us grace to follow the example of this faithful workman in . . . . Continue Reading »
I have quite a few bad habits, but here is one that can be told on this blog and not just in the confessional: I sometimes use too many adjectives.This week I was reminded of this problem when I became irritated with a description on this blog of a political commentator as a Mormon. “What in . . . . Continue Reading »
As mentioned here yesterday, Idaho will sue to stop Obamacare’s mandatory purchase provision. Virginia’s bill, soon to become law, in effect, opts its citizens out of the mandatory purchase requirement altogether. From the story:The Virginia General Assembly [official . . . . Continue Reading »
As the battle over the health-care reform bill intensified this week, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious sent a letter yesterday to every member of congress assuring them that the Senate bill will not provide taxpayer funding for elective abortions and that they, the LCWR, . . . . Continue Reading »