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Getting Me Wrong

Russell Arben Fox is unhappy : Poulos’s ridiculous, Tea-Partier rhetoric about a bill that has been sent back and forth through the legislative wringer more times over the past year that the great majority of bills ever experience (how does ten months of constant debate and scrutiny add up to . . . . Continue Reading »

Another Lectionary Thought

David T. Koyzis offers some remarks (with helpful links) on the lectionaries used in various churches. One thing I’ve observed regarding common homiletics and the effect short readings have on our Scriptural interpretation. We are all quite familiar with exegetical methods and pastoral lessons . . . . Continue Reading »

Lectionaries in the Reformed churches

Reformed Christians generally do not like lectionaries. A lectionary is a schedule of scripture lessons to be read in the course of the liturgy over a period of one or more years. Its origins can be found already in rabbinic Judaism, which prescribes the public reading of the entire Torah in the . . . . Continue Reading »

10+ Books with Significant Influence (on me)

Career. Thirty Years that Shook Physics: The Story of Quantum Theory ... decided my major. Personal Knowledge ... more recently set the stage for my thinking on philosophy of science.Religion Chuang Tzu: Basic Writings locked in my falling away from the church. Chesterton’s Orthodoxy brought . . . . Continue Reading »

Berry Revisited

Apropos of my remarks below , a reader writes: It seems to me that you’re taking his quote about the politicization out of context, first of all. He’s downright Aristotelian, it seems to me, in his conception of what politics is. What makes me say this is the role he sees marriage . . . . Continue Reading »



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