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Obamacare: Keep Fighting, Urge the People

The fat lady hasn’t sung.  A large majority of the people want opponents of Obamacare to keep fighting it, according to a CBS poll.  From the story:A CBS News poll released Wednesday finds that nearly two in three Americans want Republicans in Congress to continue to challenge parts . . . . Continue Reading »

The Tournament of Novels

Did you miss out on the NCAA Basketball tournament because you were reading Middlemarch ? Have you ever argued with friends about the merits of Pale Fire versus Gravity’s Rainbow ? Then this tournament is for you. [caption id=”attachment_14086” align=”alignright” . . . . Continue Reading »

The Annunciation of Our Lord

This day rightly should be known as the Incarnation of Our Lord, for on this day we remember and thank God for the fact that He sent His Son into this fallen world of ours, to redeem us and save us from our sins. This dramatic rescue-operation starts with a visit to the Most Blessed Virgin, Mary, . . . . Continue Reading »

Obamacare: “At What Cost?”

I wrote a quick piece in the wake of Obamacare’s passage for To The Source, in which I predicted dire developments.  From my article:For now, Obamacare preserves a private financing system—no public option. Nonetheless, it still represents a government takeover of healthcare. By . . . . Continue Reading »

On the Teleology of Christian Education

In A Theology for Christian Education, James Estep and Michael Anthony provide a core understanding of education in the church.  Their point is summarized by a quote from the classic Creative Bible Teaching by Larry Richards:Education is based upon an assumption that what is learned in the . . . . Continue Reading »

The Day Democrats Dumped the Antiwar Movement

Inauguration Day 2009 was not only a historic day for our nation, it was also a turning point for the antiwar movement: It was the day Democrats stopped opposing the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. At least that’s the conclusion that can be drawn from a new a sociology paper on the partisan . . . . Continue Reading »



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