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The East on the West

Of interest to some of you: the Patterson Triennial Conference for the Orthodox-Roman Catholic Dialogue, titled Orthodox Constructions of the West . It is being held at Fordham University in the Bronx from June 28th to 30th. The first conference was held in 2007, and the papers are being published . . . . Continue Reading »

A People of the App?

This past Sunday, I did something generally considered verboten in conservative evangelical circles. I went to church without my Bible. No, I haven’t cast aside the primacy of the Word in exchange for platitudes, and my reading of the Scriptures was no less than on any given Sunday.  The . . . . Continue Reading »

Not to change the subject or anything ...

This came up in my tweet_stream last night:I’m sure my friend Paul Edwards will deal with that question a few times in the next few weeks (and until the legislation is either overturned or something much worse happens), but I read that question a few times and was left scratching my . . . . Continue Reading »

African Lessons

Readers who enjoyed Matthew Hanley’s Should Catholic Charities Settle for Harm Reduction? , today’s On the Square article, may also want to read his new book Affirming Love, Avoiding AIDS: What Africa Can Teach the West , soon to be published by the National Catholic Bioethics Center. . . . . Continue Reading »

The United States of Brooklyn, NH

From StrangeMaps : The US is one of the world’s biggest countries, with one of the world’s most numerous populations [1]. The 23rd Census of the United States, now under way, will provide us with updated information on the current size of America’s population, but until then, . . . . Continue Reading »

Video Interviews: Michael Horton

Mars Hill Church Public Relations Director Nick Bogardus interviews Michael S. Horton, the J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics at Westminster Seminary California. Dr. Horton is the president of White Horse Media, for which he co-hosts the White Horse Inn, a nationally . . . . Continue Reading »



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