A physician named Dr. Eliezer Van Allen wrote an opinion column in this morning’s San Francisco Chronicle intending to puncture the fear of “death panels” in the context of our political debate over Obamacare—although he is not discussing the plan’s rationing boards, . . . . Continue Reading »
Virtually every detail of Matthews account takes us back to the beginning of his gospel story. In the end is the beginning, because in the beginning is the end. Two Marys come to the tomb on the first day of the week. One of them is Mary Magdalene, but the other Mary is the . . . . Continue Reading »
Oh, the howling. A doctor unhappy with the passage of Obamacare put up a note stating, “If you voted for Obama—seek urological care elsewhere. Changes to your health care begin right now. Not in four years.”Some are outraged, including a demagogue Congressman who once said . . . . Continue Reading »
I’m delighted to see that Freddie deBoer and Led-the-commenter have delivered excellent pushback on a weak point of my previous post . Their point in brief is that the mere fact that our contingent minds have had remarkable success in explaining the universe so far is no guarantee that they . . . . Continue Reading »
Obamacare supporters should—but won’t—be held to account for holding some good ideas hostage to all the bad ones in the new law. For example, the problem of pre-existing conditions truly did cry out for reform. Creating federal/private insurance company-subsidized . . . . Continue Reading »
Got this book, To Change the World: The Irony, Tragedy, and Possibility of Christianity Today, in the mail Thursday night, and for those following on FB and Twitter you know I was laid up with a foot injury on a beautiful day, so I had some time to read the new insights of James Davison Hunter.The . . . . Continue Reading »
Many of us have watched the episodes of How Things Work. Kids love them, and many adults equally captivated by the processes at play. There was an historical version of this on public television in past years, though I doubt many thought of it that way at the time. James Burke’s The Day the . . . . Continue Reading »
The CBS Poll, that has always seemed to me to lean favorably to President Obama (as Rasmussen tends to poll unfavorably), had some very bad news for supporters of the president and “his” health care plan. From the story:Last week, President Obama signed historic health care reform . . . . Continue Reading »
On Palm Sunday, Pastor Brian Hamer delivered as theology-rich a sermon as I have ever heard, so much so that I requested a written copywhile he was still delivering it. (Apologies to the other congregants.) Among the many interesting points made in his homily, a couple particularly stood out . . . . Continue Reading »