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Every Catholic is Now Paying

Joseph Bottum has an op-ed in USA Today on the media and abusive priests: There are two parts to the scandal that has obsessed Europe in recent weeks. The first part — the most evil, disgusting part — is over. Every group has a small percentage of members with sick sexual desires. By . . . . Continue Reading »

Is There No Body in Heaven?

Speaking of resurrection, Newsweek has an excerpt from Lisa Miller’s new book, Heaven, that ask why religious believers are so skeptical that we’ll have bodies in heaven. As Miller asks, “If you don’t have a body in heaven, then what kind of heaven are you hoping for?” . . . . Continue Reading »

The Multiverse and the Resurrection of Christ

The increased interest in the idea of the multiverse—the theory that a vast number of universes lie beyond the limits of what we can observe—has led Christians to develop differing opinions about its plausibility. Some argue the scientific merits of the theory. As physicist, and First . . . . Continue Reading »

Christ is risen

This year western and Orthodox feasts of the Resurrection fell on the same day, although this is not usually the case. When I was growing up, our family would generally celebrate Easter twice, once at our Presbyterian (and later Baptist) church and with our immediate family, and again a week or two . . . . Continue Reading »

The Surprising Offense

The other book I’m reading right now is the latest from 9Marks ministries, by Jonathan Leeman,The Church and the Surprising Offense of God’s Love: Reintroducing the Doctrine of Church Membership and Discipline. Just like the book by James Davison Hunter I recommended on Saturday, I . . . . Continue Reading »

Easter: what's in a name?

In most western languages the word for the day which we English-speakers know as Easter derives from the Hebrew pesach, or passover, usually by way of its Aramaic equivalent, pascha. Only in German (which calls it Ostern) and English is the Paschal feast called by a name sounding more like a . . . . Continue Reading »

A Dialectical Treatment of Hebrews 11

What is often difficult in getting a perspective on socio-political perspectives is to get past the popular rhetoric and get into the heads of the secular philosopher. So I took Hebrews 11 and reframed it in materialistic terms that would convey the ideas of today’s progressive. This . . . . Continue Reading »


I feel the same way about evangelical condemnations of technology (see Read Schuchardt for example) as I do about Pacifism: The arguments are endearing but unconvincing. That said, I’m not without some of my own Schuchardtian hesitations. First, as we all know, Apple shapes its central . . . . Continue Reading »



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