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Goldwater and the Do-Gooders

While searching the web for something, I came across the Planned Parenthood site and followed a link to a group of theirs called “Republicans for Choice.” It included as a pull-out quote these words from Barry Goldwater: A lot of so-called conservatives today don’t know what the . . . . Continue Reading »

Selling Stem Cells

In The Stem Cell Banking Crisis , The Scientist reports that The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has allowed a contract for the dissemination of embryonic stem cell lines approved for US government funding to lapse, shuttering a key stem cell bank, and doubling the price researchers pay for . . . . Continue Reading »

Evangel Authors Around Town

Two of our writers here at Evangel have been up to no good of late.  And you should know about it.First, I subject our overlord Joe Carter (who is ultimately to blame for bringing together this rag-tag band of miscreants) to rigorous examination regarding his book, How to Argue like . . . . Continue Reading »

Re: Not So Squishy

Joe: I second Ryan on this. I am no legal scholar, but it seems to me that, technically, he is not guilty of treason until he has been convicted in a court of law or some other judicial body. Andy McCarthy’s response to Kevin Williamson is unconvincing in this regard as well. He cites the . . . . Continue Reading »



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