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Libertarians Against Nudging

Yes, Virginia. Will Wilkinson does the world a service and gives Glen Whitman plenty of space to air his deep concerns with nudgetarianism. At a recent panel discussing prospects for libertarian/liberal relations, I asked whether the real trouble, as opposed to liberaltarianism, wasn’t . . . . Continue Reading »

The Giant Vampire Squid and Leviathan

Goldman Sachs, colloquially known as the Giant Vampire Squid, may meet the fate that our sages of antiquity predicted for the sea-monster Leviathan:Raba said in the name of R. Yochanan: The Holy One will make a feast for the righteous out of the flesh of Leviathan, and what is left will be . . . . Continue Reading »

The Rustic Belt

I’m up at Bloggingheads talking American “rustics” with Jim Pinkerton — folks I sometimes refer to, in a spirit akin to Hunter Thompson’s, as “rubes.” One big question is whether Mead’s much-discussed foursquare categorization of Americans — . . . . Continue Reading »

This announcement appears on the “wall” of The Call to an Ancient Evangelical Future facebook group:We are delighted to announce that, after many months of development, the site is now live! With thousands of resources and hundreds of contributors, plus new materials and . . . . Continue Reading »

Socialists Say Obama Isn’t a Socialist

CNN asked the Socialist Party USA if they think he’s a socialist : Obama’s opponents have long described him as a socialist. But what do actual socialists think about Obama? Not much, says Wharton. “He’s the president whose main goal is to protect the wealth of the richest 5 . . . . Continue Reading »



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