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The Most Religious Place on Earth

Where is the most religious place on earth? Researchers say they’ve found the most religious place on Earth — between the southern border of the Sahara Desert and the tip of South Africa. Religion is “very important” to more than three-quarters of the population in 17 of 19 . . . . Continue Reading »

Either You’re In or You’re Out

Are we born damned or merely damnable? Did God choose a predetermined number of human beings to bring to ultimate bliss, and alternatively select a predetermined and far more numerous group of humans on whom to inflict incalculable eternal suffering, before the world was even made, before a fall . . . . Continue Reading »

Science and Religion: A Review Essay [2]

With the ongoing discussions about Bruce Waltke’s video at the BioLogos website and his subsequent resignation from RTS, as well as the long comment thread here at Evangel about events in Genesis, I thought I would post some thoughts about the relationship between science and religion that . . . . Continue Reading »

The J. Wellington Wimpy Tax Policy

“I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today,” was a catchphrase made famous by J. Wellington Wimpy , a character in the comic strip Popeye . But it also describes, with slight modification, the attitude of Americans to funding government: “I’ll begrudgingly pay you . . . . Continue Reading »

HT: Challies

Great link from Challies at SBTS “The Towers”, from Chuck Lawless, Dean of the Billy Graham School of Missions and Evangelism. Seven sure-fire ways to blow up a church.Apply it liberally to yourself in whatever context you find yourself in. It’s great advice overall on how to . . . . Continue Reading »



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