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An Even Bitterer Pill

Readers of Timothy Reichert’s  Bitter Pill , just published in the May issue, may also be interested in  The Pill’s Deadly Affair with HIV/AIDS by Joan Claire Robinson of the Population Research Institute. In it she argues that “Hormonal contraceptives increase almost . . . . Continue Reading »

Archbishop Chaput Explains the Obvious

In Kennedy Case. The Bishop Flunks the Professor , the Italian journalist Sandro Magister traces the debate between Charles Chaput, the Archbishop of Denver, and an Italian sociologist and advisor to the Italian bishops, over the incoherence of President Kennedy’s famous and very damaging, . . . . Continue Reading »

What is an Evangelical?

Since we’re discussing evangelicalism, it might be useful to answer the question, “What does it mean to be evangelical ?” While the term has a limited range of application, referring to specific traits, churches, convictions, and practices within Christianity, its denotation is so . . . . Continue Reading »

Re: Not So Easy to Identify an Evangelical

David : I’m a big fan of Collin Hansen, but his article that you refer to in Christianity Today contains some unintentionally misleading points—and misses the true change that is taking place within evangelicalism. For example, he quotes Michael Horton saying that, “Warren’s . . . . Continue Reading »

Science and Religion: A Review Essay [5]

With the ongoing discussions about Bruce Waltke’s video at the BioLogos website and his subsequent resignation from RTS, as well as the long comment thread here at Evangel about events in Genesis, I thought I would post some thoughts about the relationship between science and religion that . . . . Continue Reading »

Mormon Menace … Averted!

 Wow!  Well, I’m sure there’s nothing I can say to turn of the spigot of comments on the Mormon question – both here and at our sister blog (First Thoughts), where they are up to 140+, I think.  (One thing I have learned, at least, is that there are really quite a few . . . . Continue Reading »

Orientale Lumen

Those interested in learning more about Eastern Christianity, Catholic and Orthodox, may be interested in this year’s Orientale Lumen conferences , being held in early June through early July. There are three this year, one at Seton Hall University in northern New Jersey, one in Washington, . . . . Continue Reading »



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