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The Pro-Life/Pro-Choice Generation Gap

Anyone who attends the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. can’t help but see the plain fact that the pro-life movement is young, enthusiastic, and as varied in social makeup as any group that marches on Washington. Perhaps this is the reason the nation’s media perennially fail to . . . . Continue Reading »

South Park Takes on [Censored]

“South Park” is disgusting, blasphemous, and occasionally hilarious out of all bounds. In the past it has taken on the Catholic Church , the Jews , evangelicals , Mormons , Scientology , Christmas , and virtually every institution and value and public figure one might mention. It took an extra . . . . Continue Reading »

Re: Cashing in on Earth Day

Ryan ‘s onto something. Just walking around New York at lunchtime today I ran into two commercial signs of Earth-day cheer. That’s right! Spend $125 and we’ll give you an eco-tote that probably cost 5 cents to produce! Or, how about this, more in tune with the true meaning of . . . . Continue Reading »

South Park Takes on [Censored]

“South Park” is disgusting, blasphemous, and occasionally hilarious out of all bounds. In the past it has taken on the Catholic Church, the Jews, evangelicals, Mormons, Scientology, Christmas, and virtually every institution and value and public figure one might mention. It took an extra . . . . Continue Reading »

Happy Earth Day, Earthlings

The earth is the Lord’s creation, but only man was created in the image of God. So in honor of Earth Day hug a conservationist, not a tree. And whatever you do, don’t be like these guys. Romans 1:25: “ . . . they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the . . . . Continue Reading »

A Hundred Dollars Worth of Ugly

If you want to buy a piece of modern art, one that will always retain its price (if not its value), then the Treasury Department has just what you’re looking for: The new counterfeit-resistant $100 bill. In the late twentieth century the reinging paradigm of modern art was, as Tom Wolfe both . . . . Continue Reading »

Cashing in on Earth Day

Forty years on, Earth Day in New York City no longer brings a million people to Central Park or shuts down Fifth Avenue. But it might bring in millions for corporations looking to cash in on a public that wants to feel good about its relationship with the planet: Forty years later, the day has . . . . Continue Reading »

Earth Day Anti Humanism at the Movies

For last year’s Earth Day, NRO asked me to write a piece about Hollywood pitching anti humanism in the name of the environmentalist religion.  I thought it was worth revisiting.  “From Homo Sapiens, Get Lost:”When Aldous Huxley wrote his prophetic 1932 novel, Brave New . . . . Continue Reading »

The Greecey Skids

If you eliminate corruption in Greece, I said recently on CNBC’s “The Kudlow Report,” you destroy the social fabric. Greek society is a scam funded by foreign creditors in which virtually all social strata participate. And now it’s coming to a crashing close.Goldman, . . . . Continue Reading »



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