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Missing the Forest for the Trees

In 2007, the Vatican set out to become the first carbon neutral sovereign state in the world by reducing its CO2 emissions and planting a forest in Hungary to offset whatever CO2 it did emit over the course of a year. But to date, Catholic News Service reports the trees have not been planted and . . . . Continue Reading »

The SEC’s X-Rated Scandal

During one of the greatest financial crises in our nation’s history, senior staffers at the Securities and Exchange Commission spent their days looking at online pornography. No, seriously. They were looking at porn all day . According to a memo obtained by the AP , the SEC’s inspector . . . . Continue Reading »

Abandoned But Not Aborted

The Catholic News Agency reports that an Argentinian man, who was abandoned by his mother at birth, recently reunited with his mother through Facebook: Mauricio, 23, was abandoned by his mother at birth. In an effort to find her, he created a Facebook group called “I’m searching for my . . . . Continue Reading »

Abe Lincoln Gets a Nose Job

The Treasury Department may be uglyfying our currency , but the portraits on the bills are being prettied up to meet our modern standards of beauty. Newsweek asked New York plastic surgeon surgeon Dr. David Hidalgo to examine the extreme makeovers . Here’s what he has to say about the updates . . . . Continue Reading »

You Definitely Don’t Know Jack

He’s back. Jack Kevorkian is again on the front pages above the fold. And he’s making the rounds of interviews. He might think he has died and gone to heaven—except he doesn’t believe in heaven. After death, he has said, “you stink and rot.” With the release of the HBO . . . . Continue Reading »

Science and Religion: A Review Essay [7]

With the ongoing discussions about Bruce Waltke’s video at the BioLogos website and his subsequent resignation from RTS, as well as the long comment thread here at Evangel about events in Genesis, I thought I would post some thoughts about the relationship between science and religion that . . . . Continue Reading »



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