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Why the Evangelical Left Has No Future

Patheos has a fascinating and frustrating interview with sociologist and historian of religion Rodney Stark. What is fascinating is everything Stark says in the interview, which is mostly about the Crusades. What is frustrating is trying to decide what to excerpt when the entire piece is so . . . . Continue Reading »

Iron Man Theology

Although I saw Iron Man 2 this past weekend, I had completely missed the significance of a line spoken by the villain, Russian super-genius Ivan Vanko, until Eve Tushnet pointed it out. Vanko says that it’s not necessary to kill Tony Stark (aka Iron Man) to make him ineffectual: If you . . . . Continue Reading »

Rima Fakih and the Fragility of Islam

 “A nation is never really beaten until it sells its women,” I wrote in a 2006 “Spengler” essay about Iranian prostitution. “The French sold their women to the German occupiers in 1940, and the Germans and Japanese sold their women to the Americans after World War . . . . Continue Reading »

Book Preview: What Darwin Got Wrong

Book PreviewWhat Darwin Got WrongBy Jerry Fodor and Massimo Piattelli-PalmariniThe premise of the book is a simple one: Natural selection does not work. As it come to be a functional system it found its practical incarnation in the efforts of B. F. Skinner. But the failings of Skinner’s system . . . . Continue Reading »

Breaking News from the PR Department

From my inbox, a press release about a new book: Everyone loves to wonder ‘what if,’ but it took one very creative writer to take it to the next level and imagine what would happen if a modern-day Jesus became a judge on a famous TV talent show a ‘sacred’ Simon Cowell! Please . . . . Continue Reading »



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