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Profiles in Aloofness

There’s a strangely nonchalant line at the beginning of yesterday’s New York Times profile of the thousandth US troop to die in Afghanistan: He was an irreverent teenager with a pregnant girlfriend when the idea first crossed his mind: Join the Army, raise a family. She had an abortion, . . . . Continue Reading »

CS Lewis on the Cross

I have been reading the final book in CS Lewis’s space trilogy That Hideous Strength, and I came across an excerpt worth sharing. For those unfamiliar with the book a man named Mark (who is an unbeliever) is being programmed under the threat of violence to think . . . . Continue Reading »

Shakespeare, Christianity, and Honorable Men

As a second “On the Square” entry today, just posted, Anthony Esolen reflects on Shakespeare’s Christianity through one of his more unusual beliefs: the beauty and necessity of male chastity. This was not much honored, even in his own day, as Esolen shows. Read  Desires Run . . . . Continue Reading »

Breaking News from the PR Department

From my inbox, a press release about a new book, in which “Author discusses science, psychology and spiritual enlightenment.” And why not? “Imagine what your life would be like without fear. Imagine living a life filled with love, peace and understanding.” Who could object? . . . . Continue Reading »

Abortion by Videoconference

On Friday, the  New York Times reported on the “chilling and ghoulish” case of William  Melchert-Dinkel, a Minnesota man who haunted pro-suicide websites and coached at least two people to their deaths all for the “thrill of the chase,” in his own words. Today I . . . . Continue Reading »

How Filthy Rags come back in style

While I have a minute today, I have been working through James Davison Hunter’s To Change the World along with another book which I think is the right theological companion to it, and it turns out that Chuck Colson has published a “response” to Davison’s book at Christianity . . . . Continue Reading »

Sex Criminals Can Be Imprisoned Indefinitely

On Monday the Supreme Court ruled the federal government has the power to keep some sex offenders behind bars indefinitely after they have served their sentences if officials determine those inmates may prove “sexually dangerous” in the future: “The federal government, as . . . . Continue Reading »



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