Gene Fant dug up this little gem from Timothy Morton in the latest Proceedings of the Modern Language Association : Its not just that rabbits are rabbits in name only; its that whether or not we have words for them, rabbits are deconstructive all the way downsignifying and display . . . . Continue Reading »
My friend Tony Badran, who writes the superb Across the Bay blog, points out the following item this morning:The US has lost its influence in the Middle East peace process despite the hopes raised by US President Barack Obama, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said in an interview published Monday by . . . . Continue Reading »
James K.A. Smith’s review of Francis Beckwith’s Return to Rome (the best parts of which are the opening paragraphs), might on the surface appear to be a critique of Protestants who convert/revert to Catholicism. It struck me, however, as an endorsement of just such a move. . . . . Continue Reading »
A quarter of a century ago I wrote a hymn text titled simply A Hymn for Pentecost, whose text follows:O Spirit of God, descend as a dove,alight on our hearts, fill them with your love.As once the apostles were touched by your flame,so rest upon us that new life we may claim.O Fount of our faith, . . . . Continue Reading »
1. The genuinely realistic postmodern conservatism, from one view, is somewhere in between the Porcher and Libertarian EXTREMES. That true but precarious position, as Ralph has shown us so eloquently, eludes theoretical articulation. For most practial purposes, as I tried to add, it points in the . . . . Continue Reading »
One ancient hymn and one psalm are traditionally sung on the feast of Pentecost. The hymn is Veni Creator Spiritus (Come, Creator Spirit) and is attributed to Rabanus Maurus Magnentius in the 9th century. The English translation follows below.Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest,and in our hearts take up . . . . Continue Reading »
Iran openly supports terrorists—Hamas in Gaza, Hizbollah in Lebanon, the Taliban in Afghanistan, and sundry suicide squads in Iraq—and is on the verge of acquiring nuclear weapons. North Korea demonstrated what a terrorist state can do with nuclear weapons, namely, whatever it wants. How . . . . Continue Reading »
Tonight, after six seasons and more than 100 episodes, the series finale of Lost will bring closurehowever incompleteto one of the most intriguing TV shows in decades. Many fans (including me) are naturally worried that the final episode will be a disappointment. But in the Wall Street . . . . Continue Reading »
Solar scientists are beginning to come out of the closet as skeptics about human-caused global warming. From “It’s the Sun, Stupid,” by Lawrence Solomon in Canada’s National Post:Four years ago, when I first started profiling scientists who were global warming skeptics, . . . . Continue Reading »
For years we’ve been told that global warming is an unprecedented crisis, and that WE ONLY HAVE TEN YEARS TO SAVE THE PLANET!! But now, it seems that global warming is to be knocked into second place as the world’s catastrophe in the making, supplanted by biodiversity . . . . Continue Reading »