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The Unnecessary Christ of Lost

I dedicated over a half a decade to watching one of the most ambitious and ambiguous serial narratives in modern times. I became emotionally invested in the moral lives of the characters. I waited through a painfully long hiatus to find out how the series—one of the great works of pop . . . . Continue Reading »

Brittney, Brittny, Brittneigh

A friend sends along a link to a New York Times article about naming : “Giving one’s offspring odd, random or deliberately misspelled names is a form of mistreatment that also hurts the rest of society.” Remembering his fascination with American naming habits , she adds, “I . . . . Continue Reading »

Introducing Dr. Boli

This is not, I realize, to everyone’s taste, but for those of you for whom it is, I’d like to introduce  Dr. Boli’s Celebrated Magazine . Here are some samples from recent issues: . . . . Continue Reading »

A Sermon on Truth

On my way out of Houston, my pastor asked me to preach a sermon about truth. I took the opportunity to return to first things and to try to help people have their own faith rather than just belonging to the Christian tribe.You can hear it here. It begins with the pastor talking about my wife and . . . . Continue Reading »

All A-Gaga

A rambling and rather strange interview with the raunchy pop-star Lady Gaga appeared this weekend on England’s Times Online. Columnist Caitlin Moran sets the scene for her session with Gaga (“arguably the most famous woman in the world”) by describing the decor of the star’s . . . . Continue Reading »



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