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More Storm Clouds in Ukraine

Readers of George Weigel’s Storm Clouds in Ukraine (yesterday’s “On the Square” article), will be interested in two stories from Ukraine: the short news announcement  Pope Benedict XVI to visit Ukraine in 2012 and the description of the Russian Orthodox Church’s . . . . Continue Reading »

Today’s Unexpected Comment

I sent out a notice about Father Oakes’ “On the Square” article, Atheism’s Just So Scenarios ,  to a list of apologetics websites. Among the responses was one from a writer who said he’d looked at our website and: I also saw that  you had a section called . . . . Continue Reading »

Singing the Psalms: a Reformed lectionary

Pierre Pidoux’s edited volume, Le psautier huguenot du XVIe siècle: Mélodies et documents, contains a fascinating lectionary for singing through the entire Psalter in the course of 25 weeks, or approximately half a year. This was used in Geneva during the 16th century. I am unaware . . . . Continue Reading »

Real, Everyday Results

Although some of the Catholic Church’s critics have revived the old prejudices of the Catholic Church as a monolith, the better to sue her, “the Church is much closer to a confederation of families than a modern corporation,” points out Archbishop Charles Chaput in today’s . . . . Continue Reading »

Husband, Don’t Be Happier than Your Wife

As study of tens of thousands of couples in Britain, Germany and Australia reveals that a happiness gap between spouses was a predictor of divorce—but only when the husband was feeling better about life than his wife: The happiness gap widened when wives were lumbered with most of the . . . . Continue Reading »

Why Christians Aren’t Changing Culture

At Christianity Today , Christopher Benson—one of our bloggers at Evangel —interviews James Davison Hunter about his new book and why Christian strategies to transform culture are ineffective: Benson: Why are the principal strategies for cultural change failing? Hunter: Evangelism, . . . . Continue Reading »

Re: Friday Night Lights

I completely agree with you, Matt . Friday Night Lights is hands down the best show on television. Admittedly, since I’m from rural Texas and a fan of high school football, I’m culturally predisposed to love the show. But even if I weren’t I’d still adore it for one of the . . . . Continue Reading »

Look at Ukraine, Don’t Sue the Church

Readers who have not done so will want to read George Weigel’s “On the Square” article, Storm Clouds in Ukraine . He offers a provocative take on a matter that is both of some political importance to the security and stability of Europe, western and eastern, and of some interest . . . . Continue Reading »



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