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Robert George’s New Voice

A New Voice for the American Right declares a profile of our editorial board member Robert P. George, written by the prominent philosopher John Haldane and published in the English magazine Standpoint . Haldane, who teaches at St. Andrew’s University, describes Robby as “a leader of . . . . Continue Reading »

Worst-Reviewed Movies offers a slideshow of The Ten Worst-Reviewed Movies . I’m relieved to say that I’ve seen none of them. Something I didn’t know till recently: Joe Eszterhas, writer of one of the movies on the list, which is supposed to be horribly written and morally vile at the same . . . . Continue Reading »

Palestine Israel

Coming soon to a church near you, if you’re unfortunate: The World Council of Churches is sponsoring the World Week for Peace in Palestine Israel [sic] from May 29th to June 4th. They take one side: The week calls participants to seek justice for Palestinians so that both Israelis and . . . . Continue Reading »

To the Dostoevsky Station

While George Weigel writes about the advance of the Russians in Ukraine —a story echoed today by John Allen —and we learn about the return, finally, of Moscow-area monasteries confiscated by the Communists , here’s another piece of Russian news: “Moscow Metro forced to delay . . . . Continue Reading »

From Church to Museum to Church

Moscow turns ownership of public monasteries over to Orthodox Church , and this has upset the museum establishment. The latest building to be returned to the Church after being stolen by the Bolsheviks 80 or 90 years ago is “the stunning 16th-century fortified convent of Novodevichy, a pearl . . . . Continue Reading »

Bias #3 and the Gospel

Because it’s important to be transparent about biases before one starts a review like this, I have at least 3 going into this blog post:[1] The DVD I am about to review was provided by Zondervan explicitly and only if I promised to review it. That promise was secured because when I watched the . . . . Continue Reading »

50 Summer Reading Suggestions

The following is a list of favorite works of imaginative literature compiled by a literary snob. Unlike similar lists you won’t find anything as daunting as Finnegan’s Wake or as faddish as whatever Oprah is shilling to her book club. In fact, on first glance the inclusion of children’s books . . . . Continue Reading »



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