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Pro Life Women Are Feminists Too

It has always seemed to me that feminism was about women deciding what they want to do and be.  The hitch has been the abortion issue. The first (what we now call) feminists, who cut their advocacy teeth in Abolitionism that sought to expand membership in the moral community, were generally . . . . Continue Reading »

Bad Books for Kids

Touchstone has made available online David Mills’ article ” Bad Books for Kids ,” which won first place in the practical theology category of the Associated Church Press competition : You may be surprised, if you don’t keep up on these things, and few of us have any reason . . . . Continue Reading »

Does Obama Read The Weekly Standard?

Yesterday, the Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol proposed an intriguing replacement for Gen. McChrystal: If Gen. McChrystal does step down, there are undoubtedly many able general officers who could replace him. Here’s one unconventional suggestion, though: Ask Gen. David Petraeus to give up . . . . Continue Reading »

Child Martyrs of Palestine

The Britain-based Islamic satellite channel “Birds of Paradise,” which is aired in Gaza, offers a musical number in which children sing the following to a bouncy Middle Eastern tune: “When we die as martyrs We will go to heaven. No, don’t say we are young, This life has . . . . Continue Reading »

Changing Behavior Real Key to Stopping AIDS

One of my most searing experiences was moving to San Francisco in mid 1992 at the height of the AIDS catastrophe.   To see so many emaciated young men walking down Market Street, on canes or supported by friends looking as if they were as old as Methuselah, was absolutely heartbreaking.It soon . . . . Continue Reading »


Jeb is clearly the smartest guy in the family Bush. He even looks different from the others. Our poor current president is tanking across the board. Of course he has to fire the disrespectful rogue general-hero, but the dissing is hurting him nonetheless. It’s not like the leaders of other . . . . Continue Reading »



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