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World’s Worst Dressed Priests

The news agency Rome Reports has compiled a short video highlighting “ The worst-dressed priests in the world .” The images (amusing and appalling all) are from a blog called Bad Vestments (motto: Because Christian Worship Is Not Supposed to Be About You). The first-ever Bad Vestments . . . . Continue Reading »

Is MoveOn Moving On From Petraeus Criticism?

In a post yesterday I wondered whether, which took out a full-page ad in the New York Times titled “ General Petraeus or General Betray Us ”, felt betrayed by the news that the man they endorsed as a candidate has appointed a man they say was “cooking the books for the . . . . Continue Reading »

The Pathos of the MFA

Maureen Mullarkey is a painter who writes on art and culture (she recently wrote the OTS feature ” The Popular Myth of  Convivencia “). Earlier this week she received an offer to teach an MFA class, accepted it, and resigned— all in the same day : Yesterday, I opened my . . . . Continue Reading »



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