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Tradition and Interpretation

I’m catching up on my reading, and was struck by a witty and helpful discussion of biblical interpretation by Shalom Carmy in the Spring issue of Tradition: A Journal of Orthodox Jewish Thought . In his editorial for this issue, Carmy (a First Things contributor) uses the clever ambiguities . . . . Continue Reading »

Leviathan Eats Krakens for Breakfast

How did Krakens become the hot-new sea monster? You hear about Krakens all the time now (see: Clash of the Titans , Pirates of the Caribbean , Alfred Tennyson poems), yet you never hear much about Leviathan. This is an outrage. With a Kraken you can play with him as with a bird, or put him on a . . . . Continue Reading »

The Days Gone By

In my inbox today, a press release about a new documentary , Huxley on Huxley , which is being released on July 26, the anniversary of Aldous Huxley’s birthday. Huxley was a force, of course—but who now reads such novels as Crome Yellow or After Many a Summer Dies the Swan ? He was a . . . . Continue Reading »

Just Waiting for Dessert

A friend, writing about yesterday’s item, The Newly Canonized Great Byrd , sent me a message he’d sent a “progressive” friend who saw no problem with the bishop’s making a declaration way, way above his pay grade. Now, Virtually every funeral becomes a canonization. . . . . Continue Reading »

More Postmodern Sex

Yes, folks, we’re entering a new era. I wasn’t surprised to see notice of a new social networking site geared toward gay men . I’m sure there are plenty already. What struck me, however, was this selling point. Users can tag themselves in any way they choose—a nice . . . . Continue Reading »


Peter Lawler and Marc Guerra are pleased to announce the first of three conferences on TOWARD A TRUE SCIENCE OF BEING STUCK WITH VIRTUE. These conferences and associated activities are funded by the Science of Virtues Project at the University of Chicago The first conference, held at Berry College . . . . Continue Reading »



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