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Upcoming Events—6.6.16

What is the role of the priest in today's Catholic schools? How do the Fathers of the Church speak to us today? This and more in our events roundup.

​The New Hobbesians

Bill C-14 (now before the Senate) is about to thrust Canada into the brave new world of assisted suicide. The “right to die” has been sold to the public as a triumph for personal autonomy. This rhetoric of individual liberty, however, is belied by the bill’s disregard for the conscience rights of Canadians. Continue Reading »

What We've Been Reading—5.27.16

Take the train to Brussels, walk across the Warendepark, and into the Berlaymont building. This is the home of the European Commission. Depending on which entomologist you consult, it is either the cocoon from which a new Europe will emerge or the center of a vast spider-web of regulation that is choking the continent.

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