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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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JDRF: Contemptuous of Democracy

From First Thoughts

There has been a several year campaign by “Big Biotech,” cloning propagandists, and some disease advocacy groups, particularly the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), to redefine cloning and somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). Instead of using the accurate scientific . . . . Continue Reading »

Belgium Euthanasia Deaths Have Doubled

From First Thoughts

Euthanasia deaths in Belgium are rising dramatically, now “officially” at 400, up from 200 at the beginning of the killing program just a few years ago. But there also appears to be rampant underreporting, as in the Netherlands. The estimate in this story is that some 2000 patients are . . . . Continue Reading »

More Junk Journalism about Cloning

From First Thoughts

I could spend all of my time here at Secondhand Smoke illustrating how media refuses to report stories about biotechnology accurately. But that would get old and there are many other things to write about. But this story is just too much: The AP has produced a story, byline Sam Hananel, that makes . . . . Continue Reading »

Lessons From UK "Mercy" Killing

From First Thoughts

A UK woman named Maureen Messent has come forward to admit that she murdered her great aunt in the 1960s, stating she was right because the aunt, Eileen O’Sullivan, was near death from lung cancer. This is a typical apologia for euthanasia that appears regularly in the media, which are somehow . . . . Continue Reading »