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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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No Honor Among Human Cloners?

From First Thoughts

William Schatten and the disgraced Woo-suk Hwang from South Korea used to be bosom buddies. But then, Schatten jumped ship, Hwang sank deeper than the Titanic, and their entire partnership fell apart. Schatten apparently has attempted to patent cloning technologies that Hwang claims he (Schatten) . . . . Continue Reading »

Senator Talent’s Bonehead Move

From First Thoughts

Missouri Senator Jim Talent has removed his name off of the Brownback/Landrieu Bill that would outlaw all human cloning. Does that mean he supports cloning for biomedical research? No. He still opposes all human cloning. He wants to promote Altered Nuclear Transfer, he says. Which is fine. ANT is . . . . Continue Reading »