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Wesley J. Smith is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and consults for the Patients Rights Council.

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"Do No Harm" Being Undone

From First Thoughts

A while ago, I posted several entries at Secondhand Smoke about the ongoing deconstruction of the Hippocratic Oath. As I promised, I have written a longer article analyzing what it all may mean. It is in today’s National Review Online. I am getting a lot of response already. I will post some . . . . Continue Reading »

Euthanasia Advocates Continue to Obfuscate

From First Thoughts

Sigh. The UK is in the midst of a renewed effort to legalize assisted suicide. Toward this end, one of the pro assisted suicide groups has published a poll showing that 2/3 of UK doctors have provided strong pain control knowing it could hasten death. Well good for them. That is like saying that 3/4 . . . . Continue Reading »

An Age of Arrogance

From First Thoughts

Editorialist Paul Greenberg has written a compelling critique of a society that prefers dehydrating the profoundly cognitively impaired rather than nurse and care for them. Key quote: “What arrogance to decree that, because we deem another’s life not worth living, it must be ended. But . . . . Continue Reading »

Haleigh Poutre Purportedly Eating Eggs

From First Thoughts

If doctors and bioethicists had gotten their way, little Haleigh Poutre would have been dehydrated to death via removal of feeding tube. But now, according to this story, she may be eating eggs. How unsurprising that the national media has generally ignored the case: It would demonstrate vividly the . . . . Continue Reading »